Wednesday, October 6, 2010

earth = business

note to self:-

There are no peoples, there are no nations, there are no third-world, there is no west, there is no east there are only one hollistic system of systems. O
ne vast interworven, multi variant, multi national dominion of dollars. Electro dollars, petro dollars,pounds, ringgit, pesos. It is the international system of currency that controls the world. It is the natural order of things today. It is the Sub-atomic, atomic, and galactic structure for the world today.

Am i getting to you?
Do you understand?

They preach of democracy, socialism, but in reality there is no democracy, socialism, there is only banking companies, oiling companies. We no longer live in a world filled with ideology and nations. The World is a College of Corporations. Determined by the bylaws of business..


Its just sad that the world has come to this..

Greed has poisoned men's souls has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.

network (1976)
Charlie Chaplin ( The great dictator speech)

Sunday, August 1, 2010







f.... wait.. azmi updated his blog? AWAWWAAAWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH~~~
yes i am updating my blog.. for the first time in months (crap i din even make a year)
anyway.. nothing new in my life. The only difference between me in August and me in April is that now i have a scar on my forehead and im fat or... chubby or... big boned.


all the 1991 ppls are getting close to their 20's eh?
how time flies..

i still remeber the days when i first opened this blog account.. the purpose was to improve my writing skills but obviously it didnt work. Hmm.. Curious how rural ppl can do english better than city folks eh? With all of our internets, and astros, it would be expected that we would do better in academics compared to people who dont have the luxuries.

eh off topic...

aight thts all i gotsa says.. ill write again soon but in the meantime, dont stop pressing that f5 key ;)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ashes on asses will result in a dirty donkey..

some people were born with the talent to write down words and to be poetic with them without even trying.

and some, (me for example) are born to be completely illiterate (and yes i had to google that to make sure i was correct) and is unable to form complete and perfect sentences without uttering the uh-uh-uh or ah's that i have become so used to that it is part of my oral language or stuttering the words that are coming out of my mouth.

another thing comes to mind. Why are the people with such poetic words are the one with the saddest words? Then SCREW POETS! THEY ARE LAME!!@!@! always describing love, whatever whatever whateveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr F*%^! U!
(yeah at this point i was tired of trying to think of something deep and meaningful, so i went the shallow and meaningless road)

*calms self*, * reads lillians blog to be inspired* (yes LILLIANS blog - terrific English, am envious. :P)
The sound, smell and the look of rain trickling down on the window pane. So peaceful, so calming like a wash of energy of femininity. Yet the roar of a thunder is the opposite, loud, fast, blinding - the masculine side of a rainstorm. As we sit idle-y(lol) by watching the rain, we run with the thought of random ramblings of the mind. The future, the past, the present, all becomes a washed out blur like the window pane we are looking through. The flash of thunder is like the moment which suprises us. Only a flash, it keeps us guessing.


damn had to do this for MUET exams..........


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


wow how long has it been?
hahaha excuse my abscene :P
had absolutely no idea what write about these days. The thing about me that u must know is that, i am very random. Sometimes i just wanna stay at home and do nothing, and at sometimes i want to go to KLIA... just for fun.

I mean dont u find life so darn boring if u stick to a routine, day in and day out? Thts why sometimes i just hate the idea of doing a timetable. Life is a suprise, so lets just keep it that way. The way i see it, we are slowly becoming slaves to other people. This comes as no suprise as history teaches us something, its that it always repeat itself.

We say we have abolished the idea of slavery. But if u think about it, arent we all slaves? Tied down to timetables, work.. when we sleep, where we eat, what we eat even. We are fed information that is not even real through "the tube".

I once saw this movie but i cant remember the title, its about this guy who is this newscaster, he suddenly went mad for some reason and he wanted to tell the people that were watching his shows to wake up and stop watching! The information, the so called "news" that were being fed to them are only the "news" that "they" want u only to know! People need to realise that we must take control of our lives and not blindly follow a system "they" have provided so that we become slaves for "them". What i can say is that.. guys.. dont believe what the tv says.

anyway who are "they", "them" ?


ill leave that to you guys to find out amongst yourselves.

P.S. Sry for the rant. I told you guys i have nothing to say. heheh

ok ok

these are some random facts about me.
1. I still have no idea what to do with my life
2. I am an AVID gamer (3 hours a day-sometimes even during exams week)
3. I am struggling socially, emotionally, mentally, and education-ally? lol

till next time ;)