Sunday, August 1, 2010







f.... wait.. azmi updated his blog? AWAWWAAAWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH~~~
yes i am updating my blog.. for the first time in months (crap i din even make a year)
anyway.. nothing new in my life. The only difference between me in August and me in April is that now i have a scar on my forehead and im fat or... chubby or... big boned.


all the 1991 ppls are getting close to their 20's eh?
how time flies..

i still remeber the days when i first opened this blog account.. the purpose was to improve my writing skills but obviously it didnt work. Hmm.. Curious how rural ppl can do english better than city folks eh? With all of our internets, and astros, it would be expected that we would do better in academics compared to people who dont have the luxuries.

eh off topic...

aight thts all i gotsa says.. ill write again soon but in the meantime, dont stop pressing that f5 key ;)